Saturday, 29 December 2012

How to Be a Real Success

The story of the Good Samaritan in the Scriptures illustrates the difference between a success and a failure. A man was robbed, beaten and eventually left to die alongside the road. A priest saw the need and passed by. A Levite saw the need and continued his journey without helping. A Samaritan, a most unlikely helper, saw the need and went the extra mile to meet the need. Seeing the need drew the Good Samaritan into action.

If you desire success in your life, you must turn your attention away from yourself toward helping others. Failures think and talk continually about themselves. Successful people always think about adding value to other people. Dr. John C. Maxwell expressed this truth when he stated, “Many people who struggle with chronic failure do so because they think of no one but themselves.”

Honestly, when people think about you, do they say to themselves, “My life is better because I met you.” or “My life is worse because I met you”? Their response will determine whether you’re adding value to their lives or not. You see, every time you help somebody else, you help yourself too.

You might say, “I want to help but do not know where or how to help.” First you must know that opportunities to help abound everywhere; because there are a lot of people who need what you have. Do not think for a moment you have nothing. God deposited into every human unique abilities. Look out for your strengths and not your weaknesses. You will be amazed to discover new abilities and potentials when you begin to meet people’s needs.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a job, you can create one. What are your abilities? The challenges around you are the opportunities to meet that need and effect a positive change. Successful people in the world today are meeting needs. Consider Bill Gates, the second richest man in the world, who said, “I’m going to put a computer in every home in America.” That’s meeting a need. What about the author, John C. Maxwell, who is dedicating his life to adding value to people by teaching conferences and writing books? Choose to be a success! A REAL success is a helper; he puts others first in his thinking. Zig Ziglar rightly said, “The way to the top is not by stepping on others but by stooping low to help others.” This should be your heartbeat in life. 

What are your abilities or talents? What can you do? You alone have the power to decide the kind of life you want to live. No matter what you’re going through, you’ve got to make up your mind to be a helper. Have no excuse for failure; think about the up-coming generations, live for them and ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS!

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