You are the architect of your future. Whatever you
envision is possible, simply through the power of thoughts. As a businessman,
worker, student, pastor or whatever your vocation, your life will gravitate or
be pulled towards your dominant thoughts. In other words, your life will only move
in the direction of your thoughts. You can’t cheat God; what you sow is what
you reap. If your thoughts are thoughts of defeat and failure, what do you
think you’ll get? You’ll get exactly what your mind has been dwelling on,
whether consciously or unconsciously.
You will become as small as your dominant thoughts or
as great as your earnest desires. You are the sum total of your thoughts. All
achievements in life are visions realized, and thoughts completed. Your
thoughts shape your life. There is no such thing as chance. Nothing happens to
any man by chance. Whatever happens in a man’s life has been pre-arranged, and
for the most part, through his thought process.
It is vitally important for you to note that you are
the expression of your thoughts. Your life is a result of your in-built
thoughts. Your thoughts whether positive or negative, brought you to where you
are today. If you do not like where you are today, you’ve got to change your
thought process. Some folks, most especially in this part of the world, believe
that they can never be successful because no one in their family has ever been
successful. No matter how hard they try to be successful, they just can’t. Why?
Because of the limitation they placed on themselves through their thought
There are only three people who can stop you from
becoming great and successful in life. These three people have the power to
keep you in bondage and also have the power to take you to whatever height you
desire to reach. These three people are you, yourself, and you. They have the
awesome power to make you as rich as you desire or as poor as you don’t desire.
What makes the difference is who controls who? If you can control them with the
power of your thoughts and make them move in the direction that you choose,
then the world will bow to you. However, on the other hand, if they control
you, then you will be the one to bow to the world.
Before you were born, God pre-planned that the world
should bow to you. He destined you for greatness and success. Who says you
can’t own a house? Who says you can’t become a multi-millionaire? Who says you
can’t be as rich as you desire to be? Who says you cannot be successful? It all
depends on what you see. You cannot win in the battle of life as long as you
see yourself to be a victim. See yourself as a victor. See yourself as a winner
because that is what you are. What do you think about most of the time? What
are your dominant thoughts? A man is what he thinks about most of the
time, and not what others think of him.
To employ the awesome power of thoughts to change the
negative circumstances of your life, you’ve got to change your old negative
thoughts of failure and begin to think thoughts of success. One sure-fire way
to help your mind begin to think thoughts of greatness is to begin to learn
God’s Word. There is no short-cut about it; God’s Word is your only guarantee
to lasting success. The Bible says, “Don’t become like the people of this world.
Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine
what God really wants...” (Romans 12: 2 GW).
Changing the way you think is the key you need to open
closed doors. When you realize that the power to make you great is within you,
irrespective of outside circumstances, you’ll begin to soar high above what
seeks to limit you in life. As you make up your mind to study God’s Word,
another thing you should learn to do is to be with the right people; be in the
company of people who can inspire you to greatness. Your thoughts are powerful;
the pictures your thoughts create can take you anywhere. Therefore, make a
decision today to study the Word and be in the right company; doing this will
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