Monday, 29 November 2010

Give Satan No Room!

A wrong confession is the confession of defeat, of failure, and of the supremacy of satan. Talking about your combat with the devil-how he has hindered you, and how he is keeping you in bondage and keeping you sick, is a confession of defeat. It’s important for you to know that it is a wrong confession that glorifies your adversary (sickness, pain, or troubles). It is an unconscious declaration that your Heavenly Father has failed you.

Most of the confessions we hear today glorify the devil. Such confessions continually sap the very life out of you. It destroys faith and holds you in bondage. The confession of your lips, a confession that has grown out of faith in your heart, will inevitably and absolutely destroy the adversary in every battle.

The confession of satan’s ability to keep you from success gives satan an advantage over you, and he’ll (satan) end up filling you with fear and weakness. When you confess your weakness and your failures, you are openly confessing that the Word of God is not true and that God has failed to make it good.

But I dare to say, if you boldly confess your Father’s care and protection, declaring that He that is in you is greater than any force around you, you will rise above satanic influence. As long as you hold fast to the confessions of God’s Word, you are building strength, success, victory, and health into your very system.

Today, read the Word. Talk the Word. Confess the Word. Act on the Word and the Word will become a part of your life. The Word will produce in you what it talks about! Go and succeed in your world today!!


  1. nice post!

  2. You present focusing on the negative in an interesting way of which I hadn't ever thought of it that way. Thank you.

    I have been learning to focus on the good in a situation for the past few months, not always easy, since it is easier to stop and whine, but I think I will take it one step further and profess the care and protection of the Holy Father...who knows what mountains I'll move.
